Expressing Anger - Not For Fun, But Profit!

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Expressing anger is something that we all need to be careful and deliberate about. When anger is properly expressed, we empower ourselves to fix unpleasant circumstances.

However, when anger is not properly expressed a whole new set of problems are created. In your body these problems show up a lot as problems with the body's circulatory system. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes that occur on the same day as your anger are health problems that can come from expressing anger in the wrong way.

You are probably well aware that expressing anger in the wrong ways also leads to being separated from people when in fact you could have been good friends; Friends that could have otherwise been a help to you in life in one way or another are now considered your enemy.

Where We Learn To Show Anger

It is believed that we learn to express anger when we are children. This is a reason why it is not good to have children around angry people. When a child sees anger in its different forms, he watches and learns so that he can imitate what he sees when he becomes angry himself.

It does not take a long time for him to learn either, four hours is all that is necessary.

Showing Anger

There is the outward expression where a person yells, screams, makes threats, use violence and sometimes even sarcasm.

There is an inward expression where people seethe or boil inside with their anger while not saying what the problem is.

None of these forms of expression are recommended for you to do. The first will hurt other people, while the second will hurt you first, and then still boil over and hurt other people.

How Do You Show YOUR Anger?

What do you want to calmly say about what angers you?


How do you want to start showing your anger that is better than the way you do it now?

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Depends on who it is Not rated yet
I express in different ways depending on who it is. If it someone I think is weaker than me, I dont show them any anger. I just take it and tell them …

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What We Want

What we want is an expression of anger where you calmly let your offender know what they did that you did not like. This is a better form of expression, but make sure that you do not just let it "all hang out." That would not be good for you and your relationships. When you speak up, your words have to be tempered so that you win. You do not need nor want to have unnecessary hostilities with other people.

The Best Thing To Do

Two of the best things you can do about expressing anger if you feel like you have a problem or concern is to learn to relax, and then relax regularly on purpose.

When relaxed, your body and psyche are just not tuned in to bad displays of anger. You should also consider that in the same way that suppressed or repressed anger is built up in you over time, that relaxation over time will help to release the anger so that it is not a problem for you.

A second and good thing you can do is take an anger management class. If you are in the habit of displaying anger in the wrong ways the best thing you can do is get some assistance with making sure that you learn how to manage it right.

Correctly expressing anger is one thing you do not want to get wrong.

if you haven't done it yet, make sure you grab your Free Videos and your copy of my Special Report entitled 'Thousands Of People Who Never Thought They Could NOW Control Their Anger! …Here's How You Can Do It Too.' by entering your email address into the form below.

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